Bentley Assisted Living at Lynchburg
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What Is Considered Independent Living?

A happy older adult woman, who is sitting on bed, in a video call with a loved one.

Independence is a cherished state that manifests differently for every individual, yet is a universal symbol of autonomy and progression. In terms of senior living, independent living services are a form of senior living that allow older adults to enjoy life without worrying about daily chores and often include different forms of support for everything […]

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5 Steps to Take After Clicking on a Phishing Link

A senior man wearing a button-up shirt and glasses, sitting down and smiling while using a laptop.

It’s common for anyone, especially seniors or their caregivers, to accidentally click on a phishing link. If this happens, it can be tough to figure out what to do next. Don’t worry, though!  There are a few simple steps you can take to safeguard your valuable data. This includes:  What Is Phishing? Before delving into […]

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How To Avoid Alzheimer’s With Food

A set of natural foods, including nuts and seeds, that are rich in vitamin E. The products are arranged on a teal background.

We shouldn’t wait until our senior years to start building healthy habits. Paying attention to things like diet and exercise throughout life is important. Caring for yourself with healthy living increases the chances of a healthy retirement without debilitating conditions. That being said, we know it’s typically not possible to guarantee that you won’t develop […]

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How Do You Approach an Elderly Person About Personal Hygiene?

A woman in the foreground with her back to the camera combs an elderly woman's hair.

A comfortable life is all about achieving the activities of daily living. These activities, like eating, dressing, moving, are all essential to being healthy, but one of the most important (and sometimes hardest to maintain) is personal hygiene. Personal hygiene doesn’t just affect your loved one, either—it can also affect you and even the others […]

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